miércoles, 23 de octubre de 2013


Estoy convencida que estamos viviendo la transformación de la educación.
Me acabo de anotar en un curso de Storytelling en Potsdam, Alemania.
Un MOOC Massive Open Online Curse.
Por un momento me ilusioné de apuntar a ser embajadora y conseguir que mis amigos se inscriban.
Todo el cono sur padece de findeañitis y nadie está dispuesto a agregar nada más en su saturado calendario. Cuando me anunciaron que ya van por 45.000 inscriptos, me borré de la competencia.
Si insisto, tal vez mi madre, 72 y mi ahijado, 19 me acompañen. Veremos...
Prometo mantenerlos al tanto de las novedades!

Va copia del artículo del blog de Iversity, la universidad online de donde proviene el curso

iversity Makes a Great Impact in the Media

7. October 2013 by iversity
Students from all over the world love iversity. But not only them, journalists have also dedicated lots of their attention to us and the MOOC phenomenon as a whole. Since our recent announcement that two of iversity’s courses will award ECTS credits to their students, several major European and international online media have given us the spotlight. Here’s a small selection of articles devoted to iversity:
Press Logos
The New York Times points to the fact that iversity is offering ECTS credit points for two courses (which as of now, is three!). Focus, a popular German news magazine, also highlights this development and stresses the fact that students don’t necessarily need to be enrolled in the university offering the course, enabling them to study wherever in the world they may live. The renowned Italian newspaper La Stampa expresses excitement that the European Higher Education Area is finally taking shape.
The French edition of the Huffington Post puts iversity in the context of the global MOOC movement and argues that it’s about time for Europe to keep up with the highly successful US-American providers of Massive Open Online Courses. The US edition ofthe Huffington Post goes on to explain that the ECTS credit development moves iversity beyond its US-MOOC counterparts. The German newspaper Berliner Morgenpost is euphoric and quotes iversity’s CEO Marcus Riecke: “The university of the future will come to the students”. We’re very proud to be recognised by the media to such an extent. You’ll find more press commentaries in our press section.
German TV station “Deutsche Welle” featured iversity in its show DW Shift on 7 October, so be sure to check it out! And there’s more to come, as the lauch of our platform on 15 October quickly approaches.
Be part of the MOOC movement and don’t forget to enrol to your favorite courses!

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